Healing Roots Design has been working with individuals and organizations across WNC since 2009. Our projects range from perennial gardens and composting systems in the city, to rock walls and native habitat restoration on the homestead, to edible plant installation on the grounds of an outdoor cafe. What is your landscape vision? Call us, we would love to hear about it!
Appalachian School of Holistic Herbalism
Ashevillage Institute Bountiful Cities Black Mountain Community Garden Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine Florida Permaculture Convergence Firefly Gathering Gabriel Howearth Herban Farmacy Lake Eden Arts Festival Gathering Masa Seed Foundation McKenzie Construction Mother Earth Foods Ono Gardens Organic Growers School |
Osgood Landscape Architecture
Patchwork Urban Farms Pfleger Farms Seeds of Tao Shades of Green Permaculture School of Wholeness and Enlightenment SOIL at Earthaven Soul and Soil Project Southeast Permaculture Gathering Southeast Women’s Herbal Conference Taco Billy Omega Institute Red Moon Herbs Rise Up Rooted Symposium UNC Asheville |
Very tangibly, I was on the cusp of trying to find and buy land when I called Keri. Now, I’m actually under contract. Healing Roots Design has helped me see opportunities and limitations of the site, work through what I truly want, and what my budget can allow. They guided me to design this new land, but also in how I approach the whole process of buying/building/developing. I feel more awareness of the cycles of the year. I’m finding peace in the cycles --- knowing that I don’t always have to be in the Spring/Doing time of year!” ~ Scotty M.